VHS Uber Alles May 2024

92min · VHS
  • Saturday, May 25, 2024, 9:30pm


Roger’s gym is facing financial ruin and their hottest aerobics instructors keep getting poached by rival health club, The Rejuvinarium. In an attempt to save the gym, Roger decides to rebrand: now it’s a fitness-based single’s club, catering to the young and sexy…or those who aspire to be, anyways. This movie has it all… We got chumps to hunks, sweaty sexercize on the weight machines, a co-ed basement jacuzzi and an Aerobathon competition between the two rival gyms! Who will win? Who will lose? Who cares? When you hear the bangin’ finale song, we’ll pump up the volume and you’ll pump your fist in the air because FITNESS RULES!!

“Packed with sweaty exercise montages and ’80s trappings — from its polyester fashions, to the neon-eyesore set decoration — [This movie] is so deliriously disjointed that I often wondered if the reels were out of order. That’s a sure sign of exploitation greatness.” – Shock Cinema Magazine

“This film is f***ing amazing! First, it has more montages than any movie I’ve ever seen before. Second, if you’re into aerobics, buff bodies and outrageous eighties work out attire, then this is your movie. Third, if you like your 80’s soundtracks filled with mindless synth-pop songs from artists you’ve never heard of before, this movie has quite a list. Finally, there’s the nudity. There’s so much of it I don’t know where to begin, but the best thing about it is, it’s completely unnecessary. You have about as much chance of spotting a unicorn than seeing this movie, but if you get the opportunity, DO IT!” – Michael Monterastelli: Collecting VHS, CHUD.com