In this acerbic teen comedy, a funeral becomes a battleground between best friends Carrie Lowstein (Madeline Grey DeFreece) and Hannah Rosen (Rachel Sennott, breakout star of SHIVA BABY). When their former Hebrew school classmate commits suicide, the two girls attend her funeral as well as the "Teen Talk-back" session hosted by their synagogue, designed to be an opportunity for them to understand grief through Judaism. Hannah, more interested in impressing her crush Tristan (Daniel Taveras), convinces Carrie to practice kissing with her, unlocking feelings that turn Carrie's world upside down. Emotions heightened, the scene develops into a biting depiction of unrequited crushes, toxic friendships, and wavering faith, which ComingSoon calls "one of the most original films in the coming-of-age subgenre in a long time."
WINNER: Directorial Feature Debut Black LGBTQ+ Filmmaker Award, NewFest
WINNER: Special Mention, Outfest
“Unfurling compellingly more or less in real time, director Olivia Peace and screenwriter Jess Zeidman-both making impressive feature debuts-establish an acerbic, The Breakfast Club type atmosphere” James Kleinmann, The Queer Review
“A must-watch. It’s a sharp dark comedy with fantastic lead performances from Madeline Grey DeFreece and Rachel Sennott. It’s a unique debut, and with poignancy shows the importance of growing into ourselves and out of toxic relationships.” Sara Clements, AwardsWatch
“CRITIC’S PICK! mimics the zinging pleasure of overhearing teenagers chatter as they walk home from school: It’s gossipy, delicious and a tad cruel.” Teo Bugbee, New York Times