Memberships and Giving

To support the Grand Illusion Cinema, become a Member or make a donation today! We are the only 100% volunteer-operated nonprofit cinema in the United States. Learn more about us.

Become a Member

A memberships is a great way to support the Grand Illusion Cinema, while also getting a great deal! In almost all cases we will honor your member discount at pop-ups screenings while we’re searching for a new location. If for some reason we can’t offer a discount, we’ll let you know in the film’s listing on our website.

Member – $40

Receive reduced admission for films at Grand Illusion pop-up screenings and invitations to member-only events. Entire amount is tax-deductible.

Memberships are valid for one year.



Contact our Membership Coordinator at

Make a Donation

By making a tax-deductible donation to the Grand Illusion Cinema, you help support a landmark of the Seattle film community. Your donations are critical to our relocation efforts.

We are the longest continually running movie theater in the city, and the only 100% volunteer operated nonprofit cinema in the United States. We are one of the only theaters in the Pacific Northwest to regularly screen movies on 35mm film, and our uniquely diverse programming is a major asset to the Seattle cinemagoing public.

The Grand Illusion Cinema is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization incorporated in Washington State. Our tax ID is 13-4273973.

Anonymous donations: please use the WA Gives portal.

Check donations: mail to Grand Illusion Cinema, c/o Mail Etc., 4730 University Way NE #1330. Seattle, WA 98105.