The Third Saturday in October double feature

Jay Burleson · 2022
200min · DCP
  • Saturday, Jul 1, 2023, 8:00pm

Two slashers for the price of one! This one-of-a-kind double dose of “lost” horror films from writer-director Jay Burleson aims to recreate the video store era experience, in which your rental selections were limited by availability and frequently led to watching horror franchises out of order. Parts one through four rented out? Start with part five!

THE THIRD SATURDAY IN OCTOBER Part V, the final and “newest” sequel from the 1990s, sees unstoppable killer Jakkariah Harding once again stalking and butchering the football-loving residents of a small Alabama town, this time finding a treasure trove of victims after he chances upon a football watch party.

And then get ready to see how the horror began in Part I, the original and “recently unearthed” film from the late 1970s, which tells the story of a man on a mission to stop the death row escapee who murdered his daughter years ago.

Twice the scares, twice the laughs, and as outlandishly clever in its deception as every gore set piece it throws on screen, THE THIRD SATURDAY IN OCTOBER films are red-blooded American slices of southern gothic, infused with a deliciously twisted sense of humor.

*In the spirit of the evening, a selection of fun, classic ’70s and ’80s slasher movie trailers will be featured beforehand and during intermission!*

“A unique cinematic experiment. It’s impressive what [director] Burleson’s achieved and recreated, likely with so little when viewed as two pieces of a whole… it is a fascinating exercise in nostalgia.” Meagan Navarro, Bloody Disgusting