Flesh for Frankenstein in 3-D

Paul Morrissey · 1973
95min · DCP
  • Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023, 7:30pm

50th anniversary screening in anaglyph 3D sponsored by Vinegar Syndrome! Theresa Mercado (IG: @scream.screen) of Vinegar Syndrome will be at the screening in person with exclusive giveaways on hand!

A delectably gory and cynical social satire from acclaimed filmmaker Paul Morrissey, FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN is among the most original and transgressive interpretations of Mary Shelley’s classic novel.

Deranged scientist Baron von Frankenstein (Udo Kier), with the help of his bizarre assistant, Otto, is determined to create a new master race, of which he will be the leader. To achieve his objective, he constructs two perfect "zombies" from an assemblage of body parts, intending them to mate. Meanwhile, complications ensue as Nicholas, a farm hand, begins an affair with the Baron’s sexually frustrated wife, all while searching for his missing friend Sacha, whose head and brain have been used for Frankenstein’s male "zombie"!

“This delightfully melodramatic 3D film is a lurid camp classic. Complete with scathing class critique, gorgeous long takes, and hot Udo Kier, it’s something of a ‘see it to believe it’ film that could never be made now.” Joe Lipsett, Horror Queers podcast

Vinegar Syndrome will also host a pop-up shop at Scarecrow Video on Wednesday, September 13 from 12-6pm, featuring a wide selection of horror, exploitation and genre Blu-rays from their expansive catalog, along with their latest titles in addition to some rare and out-of-print releases!